The Story Behind Our Work
There is a way that we humans go about our lives that leads to us becoming wiser and more developed as individual people. At times in our lives this development is faster and at times it is slower. At times most of us consciously choose to enhance this development and at times it happens whether we want it to or not.
This site explores the idea that whatever personal choices we make, whatever personal attributes we have, whatever personal circumstances we find ourselves in, the basic way that we progress is the same.
By identifying the three basic steps or phases that we each follow every time we learn more about life, we can enhance our personal progression. It does not matter what path we follow in life, the basic way that we progress is the same. We might choose a spiritual path, or an academic path, or a professional path, or a path of service, or a hedonistic path, or some combination of these or other paths. Each of us will acquire learning and experience through the things that we choose to do and the ways that we choose to be and that learning follows a cycle of three basic steps.
In this site you can discover more about the three phases and how to benefit from your own increasing knowledge.
The Challenge of Life – A Context for Life Learning
Think about this statement: The vital single most important truth about life is its reality.
Whatever your religious or philosophical background, whatever you hold as your life purpose or context, whatever your spiritual viewpoint, the one thing that influences your whole life is the reality of your physical body and the reality of your personal surroundings. Even if you believe that physical reality is basically an illusion, as long as you are a human being in a human body your primary task in life is to recognise the reality of your condition. If you fail to recognise that reality, through choice or illness, then your ability to continue living as a human in a human body will inevitably become reduced.
When we aspire to spiritual growth, or self-development, or to become mature, or choose to join in with or lead society in any of the multitudinous roles available to us, we do that within the context of dealing with reality and engaging with it. It is important that not only do we recognise and learn to discern reality from falsehood but that we take action in our lives.
Simply through existing in it, life continually challenges us to test our innermost self against the truth of the reality that we find ourselves in.
Interestingly, many philosophies teach us that the more we recognise and embrace reality, the more enlightened and deeply spiritually mature we can become. This cycle of personal growth comprises three simple phases.
Phase 1. Truth-Telling
This first phase in its simplest form is the one that we experience much of the time. In this phase life happens around us and to us and we attempt to discern truth and meaning.


Factual Learning

Questioning / Enquiring

Getting real – outgrowing fantasy whilst building on vision

Exposing truths
"The amount you are suffering in your life is directly related to how much you are resisting the fact that things are the way they are." - Bill Harris, CenterPointe Research Institute
Phase 2. Choosing
The second phase is how we choose to engage with life, what actions we take, how we choose to be, what beliefs and faiths we take on. This phase involves our becoming more than a spectator of life, we engage with life. Often this phase includes some element of risk, whether perceived or not, and always there is a sacrifice of some sort that goes with choosing. Committing to one action sacrifices other potential actions.





Phase 3. Reflection
The final phase is both a completion and a new beginning as completing the cycle of the three phases allows us to restart at phase one. This phase is often seen as an end in itself or a reward for actions completed. Many will say that what they want from life is to be happy, content, or fulfilled, and these feelings are most reliably to be found in this phase.

Experiencing Bliss/Contentment/Gratitude



The importance of letting go

Self acknowledgment

Living in the moment

In the groove / In the zone


Spiritual growth

Identifying larger life purposes

"Every positive change--every jump to a higher level of energy and awareness--involves a rite of passage. Each time to ascend to a higher rung on the ladder of personal evolution, we must go through a period of discomfort, of initiation. I have never found an exception." - Dan Millman, 21st century philosopher