Courses are currently not being run due to other commitments. The following is for information only.
Micro-Coaching Courses
Low-Cost Learning in a Relaxed an Friendly Setting
Coach-led courses for very small groups: from 3 people upwards.
Micro-coaching courses bring the benefits of coach-led learning with specific topics to provide a uniquely accessible format. The benefits of this new format include flexibility, very low cost, and very low commitment requirement. The sessions are short and participants can pick and choose which ones to attend from a range of topics.
With typically 3 to 5 participants the sessions provide a friendly and personally-supportive environment to explore and learn. The guidance of the coach promotes rapid and appropriate learning.
Micro-coaching topics will include:
Personal Awareness Topics:
Personal Confidence

The Art and Power of Truth-Telling

Self Acknowledgement and Building Self-Esteem

Working With our Emotions

Our Meaning of Life
Bringing Ourselves to Life Topics:

Personal Achievement

Confidence in Communication

Taming our Manipulations

Interpersonal Skills

Taking a Stand on who you are
Learning From Life Topics:
Learning to Self-Reflect

Life Themes and Challenges

Living in the Moment

Opening to Deeper Personality
Single-session price of just £20 per person!
Low-Cost Learning in a Relaxed and Friendly Setting
Coach-Led courses for very small groups: from 3 people upwards.