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Making Change Easy

Hypnotherapy, Awareness Training, and Coaching

Hypnotherapy, Life Improvement Coaching, Affordable Personal Awareness and Personal Achievement Courses.

Courses are currently not being run due to other commitments. The following is for information only.

Schedule of courses to be held near Swindon

Please note that we no longer post dates on the website. Courses are currently not being run due to other commitments. When courses are re-launched, the courses will be run on dates and times to suit the participants.

Enjoying Your Personality 5 evening sessions (5pm-7pm)

dates T.B.A.

Choices in Life 5 evening sessions (5pm-7pm)

dates T.B.A.

The Empowered Self 2pm-4pm (2-hr free workshop)

dates T.B.A.

Free Preview Events

dates T.B.A.